This week we have explored my personal journey that lead to my taking medication for depression and anxiety and contemplated some stereotypes associated with using medication to control your mood...

Yesterday I shared the big moments in my journey to finding the right medication. Today we will look at some stereotypes regarding taking medication for mental health issues.
Contemplation regarding Medication for Depression and Anxiety

Knowing when to medicate your mental health problems can be; unclear, dependent on the situation, polarizing, and scary…

O.K., so we have reflected on my story...contemplated some hard, it is time to apply what we have discovered... 

As I shared in yesterday's post after receiving the results from my psychological testing there was a freedom in being 'found out.'
 "I thought I could fool the tests like I've been fooling everyone in my life. For years I had been longing for someone to call me out on my junk. I was stripped. I was naked. I had been exposed. and MAN WAS I RELIEVED!"


My Story from Treatment to Healing

In January 2008 my story to wholeness began. I drove to Wheaton IL to begin a journey to treatment and healing. Healing from a lifetime of struggling with this thing we so readily acknowledge as depression and his best friend anxiety. 

I spent three weeks in INTENSIVE outpatient treatment at the Meier Clinic. This included medication management, group therapy, individual therapy, and psychological testing, it was also faith based. 

Four months prior I began preparing emotionally and spiritually to lift myself out of the life that wasn't working for me and place myself into a 3 week intensive treatment program for depression and debilitating anxiety.

Application: Being Found Out